Elliot Masie on iPhones and Learning

Education futurist Elliot Masie examines the role of iPhone-like media devices might play in mobile learning. (Thanks Patti!)

Video Blurbs: Multitouch Interface and the Semantic Web

Turns out that MIT’s Technology Review is a very interesting site. (No surprise there. How much more wonderfully geeky can you get than MIT?) While browsing their site, I found their Documentaries section to have several interesting video clips, two of which I thought fellow edugeeks would find interesting.

Jeff Han on a Better Interface
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but Tech Review currently has an interesting video available titled “Jeff Han on a Better Interface”. Not only does the video discuss the obvious advantages multitouch functionality provides in terms of user interface, but he also discusses multitouch in relation to mirror and virtual worlds, collaboration, and information management.
[Jeff Han on a Better Interface]

Tim Berners-Lee on the Semantic Web
The inventor of the World Wide Web explains how the Semantic Web works and how it will transform how we use and understand data.
[Tim Berners-Lee on the Semantic Web]

Second Earth: Social Virtual Worlds Meet Mirror Worlds

(Many thanks to Erin, our newest EduGeek, for sending this to me!) MIT’s Technology Review posted this week a really interesting article discussing the inevitable merge of social virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life, There) with mirror worlds (i.e. Google Earth, Microsoft’s Virtual Earth).

Great detail is given on what’s currently being done in these two areas of the metaverse. As you know, I (and my fellow EduGeeks) are currently enamored with Second Life and virtual worlds in general, so much of the information presented on that platform was not too new. (However, if you’re new to SL, this article has lots of great info and SLURLS to specific locations in-world, which is incredibly handy.)

I must admit after reading the article that I’m neglecting to pay any attention to mirror worlds, and specifically Google Earth. I was incredibly interested in hearing about what’s already being done with these types of quasi-3D-mapping resources. The ability to create and view user-generated content added as layers on top of these virtual maps is ripe with educational opportunities. Great article!

Second Earth
The World Wide Web will soon be absorbed into the World Wide Sim: an environment combining elements of Second Life and Google Earth.
[read entire article]

elearning 2.0: All You Need To Know

The Read/WriteWeb blog recently posted an interesting article titled “elearning 2.0: All You Need To Know“. Very good overview of how Web 2.0 tools are being used in education. Lots of links out to additional information, blog posts, and articles. Interesting read!

elearning 2.0: All You Need To Know

Preview of Princeton in SL

3pointD.com recently got a sneak preview of Princeton University’s island in SL, which is currently closed to visitors. The blog includes extensive information on buildings and architecture featured on the island. Princeton obviously dedicated plenty of resources to create an impressive virtual presence. The sim will open to the public for the next academic school year (we assume Fall 2007).

Click here to view the entire 3pointD.com post.

Will They Be The Metaverse Generation?

UTD’s Emerging Media & Communication (EMAC) blog posted this graphic recently. It’s attributed to the NY Times; however, I’m having a hard time tracking down the complete article. It’s pretty amazing seeing just how quickly these virtual worlds (or “virtual playgrounds”, as they’re listed in the graphic) are becoming widely used. We have the Gen-Xers. We have the Millenials. Will the next group be the Metaverse Generation?

Wikis in Plain English

For those of you who are trying to explain exactly what a wiki is … or if you yourself are not too sure what exactly a wiki is … I just found a neat little video called “Wikis in Plain English”. Thought it was worth sharing.

Microsoft Photosynth

So, Darren got us started talking about these ultra-cool new technologies. Today I continue this theme with another Microsoft project, this one demoed at the TED conference in March.

Microsoft Photosynth is a new virtual modeling technique that creates a type of metaverse built completely on social data. The way it works basically is it can (for example) scrape all images of Notre Dame from flickr, and using these thousands of pictures and analyzing their relationships relative to space, it can build a 3D model of that structure or area.

The Photosynth Demo video explains this better than I can. “The Photosynth Experience” begins at around 2:47 into the video; however, then entire clip is very interesting. More videos about the project can also be found on Google Video.

IOL Presentations – Web 2.0 and Second Life

Greetings all! Darren, Matt and I are back from a very successful conference. Our two presentations went very well. Below are the presentations for your viewing pleasure! Email us if you have any questions!

SL Best Practices in Education Conference – TODAY!

Howdy folks! Just a quick reminder that the SL Best Practices in Education conference is today! Check out the organizer’s wiki for links to the events and exhibits.