Is AI Generated Art Really Coming for Your Job?

You might have noticed this Twitter thread about improvements in AI-generated art work. Well, if you are still on Twitter that is. Here is the thread – well, at least, until You-Know-Who “MySpaces” Twitter out of service: So let’s take a look at this claim that AI-generated artwork is coming to disrupt people’s jobs…

Metaversity, Tri-Brid Models, and the Same-Ol, Same-Ol “Innovation”

“Is education moving to a “tri-brid” model that flows between in-person, online and simulated environments?” asks the article titled With Money From Facebook, 10 Colleges Turn Their Campuses into ‘Metaversities’ on EdSurge. Of course, the answer is “no” – but you have to wonder how much time and attention will be given to this idea…

Using Learning Analytics to Predict Cheating Has Been Going on for Longer Than You Think

Hopefully by now you have heard about the Dartmouth Medical School Cheating Scandal, where Dartmouth College officials used questionable methods to “detect” cheating in remote exams. At the heart of the matter is how College officials used click-stream data to “catch” so-called “cheaters.” Invasive surveillance was used to track student’s activity during the exams, officials…