Listen in as Katrina, Matt, and Harriet discuss online educational epiphanies during lunch at the Region XI Distance Learning Educator Conference. Reflections include thoughts on new educational sites as well as teacher issues with online learning. Recorded live from a cell phone using Gcast. See the Podcast tab at the top of the page, or listen to the streaming audio below.
EduGeek Journal podcast. Listen in as the EduGeeks discuss anything that interests them. Click on the play button to start the most recent podcast. To see a list of all available podcasts, click on button that says “Posts.” To subscribe to our podcast, click on the “Get Podcast” button. Podcast player hosted by Gcast.
I thought you and your readers might be interested in the upcoming
National Distance Learning Week (11/12-16) and my interview of the NDLW National Chair, Dr. Ken Hartman on my podcast:
http://rod4jefferson.blogspot .com/2007/09/rpp-48-national -distance-learning-week.html
Also, see NDLW:
Rodney B. Murray, Ph.D.
Thomas Jefferson University