Is Moodle Going Down the Path of Open Social Learning?

Embedded below is an interesting interview with Martin Dougiamas, founder of Moodle.  The interview was originally posted on Michael Feldstein’s e-Literate site (who also conducted the interview and asked some great questions).  The entire thing in interesting, but there are two key points that interest people that are interested in the New Vision for the LMS stuff we have been blogging about here:

  • Moodle 2.0 will have a feature that lets you pull in existing blog entries from your own blog that are tagged with a specific tag.  Dougiamas mentions this around the 31:45, and this captures one of the features that we think will be key in the future of online learning.
  • Dougiamas also talks about the future of Learning Management Systems and Moodle starting at the 32 minute mark.  He mentions that there will most likely be a new version of Moodle (“Moodle X” he calls it) that will be a totally new program (not just Moodle 3.0) built from the ground up, centered around the student.  A lot of this sounds exactly like what we have been talking about here, so I am really glad to see a major player in the online learning market talking like this.  The only question I have: how do I get in on the conversation he is having with people about this?

Here is the video itself:

Interview with Martin Dougiamas from Michael Feldstein on Vimeo.

2 thoughts on “Is Moodle Going Down the Path of Open Social Learning?

  1. Hello Matt,

    To answer your question on how to get in on the discussion. It is easy! I always find Martin Dougiamas to be a very accesible guy. If you want to be part of the discuss, then make sure you start discussing…

    A good place to start would be the forums at (e.g. “Building Learning Communities” of the “General Developer Forum”). Maybe even beter would be to find one of the Moodlemoots that Dougiamas is attending ( and make sure to stick around when all the developers go out for dinner.



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