True Knowledge’s Natural Language Search Engine

TechCrunch posted yesterday about the new natural language search engine by True Knowledge. While traditional search engines direct the user to a list of websites based on statistical analysis of key terms in the word or phrase being searched for, this natural language search engine actually translates the question (or phrase) into a query that returns real answers.

The video demoing the site and explaining the technology behind this powerful form of searching is very intriguing. You can see exactly how this type of site differs greatly and can be much more useful than your standard Google search engine.

2 thoughts on “True Knowledge’s Natural Language Search Engine

  1. Had trouble commenting the first time I tried – whoops!

    Anyway, that search engine is amazing! I have so much trouble finding the research that I need for my courses in online libraries — something like this would make it much easier!

  2. Wow, that is amazing stuff. Combining this type of search logic with Latent Semantic Indexing will definitely improve the speed at which people can gather information. Considering just as recent as 5 years ago, most of the search engine results Google coughed up was totally irrelevant, and I’m sure most of the queries were in fact “questions”. This is brilliant!

    thanks for sharing!

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